Ayudantes– we are excited to have you back at camp! We have so many fun opportunities for you throughout the week and we are glad to have you as volunteers as well. 

As you may have read in previous communications, this year we will introduce a new part of the Ayudante program. We will pair each Ayudante up with 1-3 campers that they will join during designated camp time. Ayudantes should use this time to connect with their buddies or “amiguitos”, be their friend, help with their activities, and help make sure they are engaged and having fun! 

We will talk more on this during the required virtual pre-camp Ayudante orientation on July 23rd, 2023 at 7:00 pm CT. If you are unable to attend, reach out to chair@lasemana.org and we will make alternate arrangements. Over the hour we will cover important topics such as code of conduct, guidelines, what you can expect from the week, and more. Expect a Zoom link and reminder to follow soon by email. 

We can’t wait to have our Ayudantes return to camp! See you there!

– La Semana Planning Team